Please note the following when considering using this website and in relation to any accommodation matters and or reservations in relation to the website or actual property.
1. General
This website is the property of EastGate Group and operated by EastGate Hakuba Hotel Inc (“EGHH”) Japan and EGHH pay careful attention to ensuring that the information contained in this offering and or any marketing material is accurate. However, this website and marketing material prepared by EGHH does not guarantee or warrant that such information or assumptions are correct or accurate. Parties should seek their own independent verification and EGHH does not accept any responsibility whatsoever to any third party including those who receive this information either from EGHH. EGHH therefore accepts no liability, loss or damage arising from reliance upon or use of this website or marketing document.
2. Website, Bookings and Real Property
EastGate Group and EGHH make no representations or warranty with regards to the accuracy of any of the information contained within this website. In addition, EGHH take no responsibility for loss or damage incurred by use of this property.